I Feel Alive

Whenever blood sprays across my skin, whenever I run over puddles of recently spilt viscera, whenever the demons rip into reality as my anger breaks the dam alongside a maniac's shout from my maw- that's when I feel most alive. With hate in my eyes I gaze at the onrushing horde. I feel alive now.

I murmur a prayer to my bloody master as the loathsome beasts bound towards me. There is no thunderous peal. no booming roar; my prayer is rewarded with their leader falling from its mount, steam rising from their skin as bloody blisters form and pop with excruciating rapidity. The rest of the band should be easy to dispatch. I turn my back to the rolling form of their leader and make quick work of the small ones until the sound of a lumbering charge from behind draws my attention. A mass of sword length teeth barrels into me and old wounds are rent open. The pain causes my fingers to drop the old hatchet I've carried since...since...

Butchered corpses around us. My axe hanging low while I heave with exertion. Staring with blood glazed eyes at them. He cradles her unconscious form on the ground, his hand outstretched and clutching a hatchet like a wounded beast protecting its mate. I step forward, murder in my eyes ready t-

Awake. Again awake with roughly cauterized wounds adding to the mosaic of scar tissue my skin is becoming. I catch a glimpse of one of the demonic legionaries as it begins to melt into the aether, its task complete. It locks eyes with me and growls in a dark tongue that I shouldn't understand. But I do. I am a worthless slab of meat to this creature of pure bloodlust- a pitiful dead thing not worthy of the blessings that the blood god has given me. I ponder its words as it fades with a scent of brimstone on the wind.

I laugh, a sound of a wounded beast growling in pain. The demons may think of me as a worthless dead thing but I know what I feel- I feel alive.


    Alas, Captain Lars fell in another game of Path to Glory this week! Although he was felled with lasting injuries, the demons of Fifth Company won out and defiled a loonshrine belonging to the Hyshian Gitz of a Loonboss known as Flump. It was a bloodbath for both sides but amongst my own there was only one unit that survived the whole game: the Bloodletters of the Smolderscorn Band. Enough pretty words, here are some pictures!

The rending claws of Beta Pack are more than a match for the maws of their squigly adversaries.

The demonic swordsman Bhalangyr throws himself at a mob of Squig Hoppers compelled by his blade's eternal thirst for blood.

In'san, leader of the Slaughtershod Bloodcrushers, crashes into a loonboss. Formely a rising star amongst the Bloodlords legion, In'san has since fallen out of favor and rarely reaps skulls like he once did.

The smolderscorn band surges atop a hill to block Flump's reinforcements from disrupting the defilement of the loonshrine.

    Some highlights in this game were the multiple casts of blood boil that Captain Lars managed to get off, my opponent having terrible luck with his charge rolls for his reinforcing units, and my bloodcrushers performing rather miserably. The aftermath of this battle saw no units taking more casualties thanks to spending plenty of glory points but Captain Lars suffered ANOTHER injury despite a point spent to reroll. Captain Lars has had a rough go of it recently and I'm wondering if I should retire him as my warlord, take a new general, and end up adding him back in as a slaughterpriest. Another of my units that have had a rough go of it have been my Bloodcrushers. They have severely underperformed in the two games I've played thus far so I think they either prove their worth next game or I'll bring a new unit into my roster. I hope to get another game in before the holidays get into full swing.

    I've drafted up a couple of unit additions to my list, the most notable of which subs out Kil'nam the Bloodmaster and putting in a Cockatrice. Pros: ranged option as Khorne, another good distraction unit, fast, could do some damage. Cons: Its stats are not that great and it has a high chance of getting nuked off the board early with relative ease. Regardless of what I choose next for my units, I'd like to keep off from 1,000 point games for a while. 750 points is already a lot for me to keep track of so I feel like I need to get more experience with this army before I go up a tier of play.

    In my hobby life besides Age of Sigmar I've been thinking about an idea for a new DnD campaign. The elevator pitch is: "It's "At the Mountains of Madness" meets the Battle of Helm's Deep". Sounds interesting at least doesn't it? I'll post updates if it ends up seeing the light of day.

    One of my childhood friends from back home has also expressed some interest in playing Epic 40k when I go home for the holidays. It'd mean printing out an army, but at ~6mm, two armies could easily get printed in a day or two.

Lots of exciting things going on as this year comes to a close, until next time!
