In the Shallows of the Underworld

    In the lightless causeways under the earth lurk the creatures forgotten by creation. Slavering things of tooth and claw, some still wielding weapons wielded in the name of anarchy against the forces of order. Even in the shoals of the abyss you are not safe from the fiends that time forgot...

 Only two models painted this week but I did end up getting my first game of Age of Sigmar in using my opponent's Slaves to Darkness army.

Classical Antiquity- Northern Barbarian Spearman by Guy_Montag on Thingiverse

Bloody Lesser Demons modularized by jojoba, made by Louiskim92 on Cults3d

    Both of these models were really fun to paint and I painted them using a zenithal drybrush instead of my usual zenithal spray. The spear-wielding barbarian is my miniature for the DnD 5e game I'm playing in. His friends call him "Hun". I painted him mostly using my cheap craft paints that I got from Walmart a while ago. In my experience, cheaper paints are fine to use as long as you thin them properly. They generally require more layers, are very delicate, and produce less saturated tones. Naturally, I finished him off with an oil wash.

    The not!Bloodletter was painted in the same way except I used Flesh Tearer's red contrast paint as it is the only red paint that I own (I really need to fix that). I like the paint scheme on this guy but I think I want to try out one or two more schemes: maybe some grey-skinned bloodletters or using a brighter red.

    My first game of Age of Sigmar was a blast! My opponent played Ogres and he let me use his Slaves to Darkness ravagers army. In the end, my chaos hordes won but not before his Ogres put some serious hurt on me.

    As a result of that game, my next hobby project is going to be a Blades of Khorne Path to Glory army. I'm torn between running mortals or demons but I figure that regardless, I'll want to keep some bloodletters around to summon so I've already printed out a unit of them this week and plan to print out a bloodmaster/skulltaker. We'll see where this project leads but it feels good to have some direction!

Until next time!
