Just Wait

I heard the howling on the other side of the city when the pups tore into their quarry. Waves of anger at being absent from that carnage blocked the agony of shattered ribs as the angel twisted the spearpoint into my gut. Like the blood that no doubt flooded the streets from the onslaught of the hounds, so too did my blood gush as the spear was yanked away with a sucking crunch. In place of blood, a smoldering hate surges in and I am lured into the old black abyss that haunts me...

I've just returned from patrol. My axes drip with ichor from the things we slaughtered in the foothills around the city. I want to go home. She should already have a bath drawn for me. She hates to see me fly into rage when the servants are too slow, hates it when I threaten them with my blood-slick blades, hates when-

I awake.

The scent of stagnating gore, lighting-singed air, and burnt flesh pounds at my nostrils as I survey the damage. The city is levelled despite the best efforts of the god-king's chosen and the spear wound that ended me has been seared shut. I curse as I get to my feet and look around: my company is gone. But they will return. I know they will, it's inevitable. Let my anger fester, let it stew within like the closed kettle over flame. Just wait. Wait for a passerby to carelessly bump me, an unexpected obstacle to arise, or any other trivial annoyance after the kettle has boiled for too long. Just wait long enough and the world around me will explode into a maelstrom of blood.


    My Path to Glory army is (mostly) complete and I managed to get in a game against some Stormcast! Here are some pictures of the battle that Captain Lars of Fifth Company fought against the Stormcast in a Chamonic City.

The Smolderscorn Band surrounds Yndastra who has just ran Captain Lars Through with her Spear. Though they have no love for the new Slaughterpriest, they relish an opportunity to murder the Celestial Spear herself.

Though Beta Pack was almost completely gunned down by a garrison of Judicators, the hounds of the Blood God are famous for their unstoppable charges,
    The game was great fun and I'm pleasantly surprised that Age of Sigmar is that much more fun than Warhammer 40k has ever been for me. I remember when Age of Sigmar first came out and I, who had played maybe one game of 40k in my life and certainly never a game of fantasy battles, thought it looked lame and too "high fantasy" for my taste, like a wargaming Magic: The Gathering. I think there is something to be said about the game's rocky start but playing it now is a lot of fun!

    We didn't really get to finish the game but my opponent (a much more experienced player than me, he was playing another game as he played this small 750pt game) said that I likely would've won as the flesh hounds would outnumber his units on his objective and since I rushed the Bloodletters in to try and take Yndastra down on my objective. Some things I think I could've done better would be splitting up my two bloodmaster heroes so that one accompanied each pack of Flesh hounds to get the re-roll to 1's and I need to remember coherency and deployment rules better. All that is okay though, I'm happy to learn lessons and I am happy just to play!

    When it came to the Path to Glory aftermath sequence I won 5 renown for the flesh hounds of Alpha Pack, Captain Lars gained an injury, and my bloodcrushers had their casualty score go up by one. I think my plan going forward is to keep using the flesh hounds and get rid of the bloodcrushers, replacing them with allies from Beasts of Chaos or Slaves to Darkness.

    I don't want to lay down all the fluff for Captain Lars and the demons that follow him but the general gist is that he's a character similar to the "Dark Wanderer" from Diablo II. He was once a freeguild captain of a city in Chamon and fell to the Blood God's sway after a night of rage and bloodshed that only comes back to him when he blacks out. So impressive was the carnage he unleashed that night that Khorne blessed him with a daemonic entourage and the ability to channel power from the Blood God's domain. Now Lars wanders the mortal realms, ready to explode with rage and summon the demons he has dubbed "Fifth Company" after his old unit.

    I can't wait to see where else Lars' wanderings take him. This project is giving me a lot of hobby motivation and I absolutely love it. Next time I'll try and have a picture of the whole army, see you then! 
