From Whence the Blood Flows


    Alternative title: "Multiple Pictures Taken Moments Before Disaster"

    Fifth Company got absolutely crunched by my opponent's Beastclaw Raiders this week. Here are some pictures!

    Age of Sigmar is still enjoyable but less so than it was my first few games and I think I know why. When I originally set out to start playing there was a lot of promise in that it seemed like everyone was in it for the narrative and to play casually. I was really excited! But it hasn't really been like that at all. Of the five or so players who play regularly one is a "professional, probably one of the best in the world", another is desperately trying to get into the tournament scene, and the other two are certainly not crazy competitive but constantly talk about optimizing lists and the like. That leaves one other player and he happens to be the opponent I've played twice now. I wonder if my desire to play such a narrative game is misguided, maybe I'm chasing something that simply doesn't exist in the wargaming hobby (at least not where I live currently). Anyway, I don't think I'll retire Fifth Company just yet but my desire to play certainly has gone down a bit. 

    Luckily my DnD group is getting back together to fill that hobby void! We started a short 3-5 session campaign two Fridays ago and it was a lot of fun. The party has been hired by the Royal Roadwardens of Mirgrade, stretched thin by events at the Tramonton border, to investigate some disappearances and strange geological activity going on at the town of St. Arbor. Their first session saw them mostly going around and investigating, or "Detective Pikachu'ing" as one of my players put it. I had put a lot of prep into making the campaign focused around something specific but the players didn't fight anything the first session and only heard about "hooded figures" in the woods so I think I'm going to depart form my original intent. Stay tuned for how it all goes!
