Mosaic Drakes

 AC12, HP20, +4TH, makes two attacks, 1D10 bite, 1D8 horns, 1D6 snake tail (reach, on hit DC12 CON or drop to 0 HP as the embedded snake tooth pumps neurotoxin into your body. Remove the tooth in D4+1 rounds or turn to stained glass).

Hatred for the Natural World

    Stained glass constructs given hyper intelligence and the form of a huge reptile. Given their nature as constructs, they hate things that arise naturally and will focus on targets that are of the natural world.

Aethyric Keening

    The Drakes despise magic-users for the resonant effect that spell casting has on the glass that composes their bodies. They will immediately pounce upon magic-users when they begin to channel from the aethyric winds.

Precious Form

    Upon death they collapse into D6+1 lbs. of stained glass dust and shards worth 10gp per pound.

Happy New Year! 

    Mosaic Drakes were a monster that I generated for the game I ran in the late summer of 2021. I generated them using the Random Esoteric Creature Generator by James Raggi. They were lizards that became exposed to an artifact in an elven shrine dedicated to the creation of wondrous stained glass. Unfortunately, that campaign ended just as my players were exploring the shrine and stumbled upon their nest so they've never seen any use besides getting ready to pounce on the party's sorcerer.

    I figured that I'd start the New Year off with this post because it's been sitting in my drafts for a while and also because I haven't painted anything in some time. I have a couple of things on my painting shelf but with the holidays being notoriously busy I haven't had the chance to do any painting. I hope to do a little bit of painting this coming week as well as play the third and final session of our DnD mini campaign this Friday.

    Two Fridays ago we met for the second session and my players discovered that The Cult of the Living Flame is behind the abductions in the town of St. Arbor and that the cult is trying to summon their deity, Cthogua, to ignite the world in flames. The players found the nearby wizard, Joachim Muri, who had been cursed with the form of a humanoid fish after denying the demands of his master who is opposed to Cthogua; a being called Dagon.

    Where Dagon was once poised to take ascendancy, Cthogua and the cult are now on the eve of their triumph. The characters are now frantically wandering around the cult's caves, their way lit by a mysterious candle that will burn for only four hours more until...

    Really looking forward to continuing the campaign this coming Friday. Next time I post I hope to have some painted miniatures and a report on what happened with my players and the impending inferno!
