
The violet protoplasmic masses slid inexorably toward him. His amazement at the capability of the bacterial colonies of the grotto was quickly overwhelmed by horror as he realized he could see the last meal of these sentient toxic puddles through their semi-translucent surfaces: small, barely developed bones. His face set with grim determination, the pyromancer reached into the chaotic inferno beyond the veil of reality to combat the toxic horde.


    Getting back into the swing of painting regularly, even bought myself a cheap airbrush recently! Let's see what minis I painted up...


    First up is the Fire Oracle by Mini Monster Mayhem. This is the miniature I used to represent Merlog, the head of the Cult of the Living Flame. This interpretation of Merlog is before he turned to the service of Cthogua, when he was a pyromancer in the Moon Lakes of the Elgenruud.

    This is the Elven Male Paladin from mz4250 used as the character model for one of the player characters: elven paladin Hadrian Zecartnev. Hadrian was adopted by a noble family near the time of his birth and constantly sought to prove anyone and everyone that he was worthy of the Zecartnev name. I am typically not a fan of mz4250's sculpts but once they're painted they're quite charming. It's an added bonus that they are incredibly easy to paint. Primed with my new airbrush!

    This model is the Myrmidon of Fire from kphillsculpting on cults3d. It was used as the second form for Merlog during the boss fight in the temple to Cthoghua on the elemental plane of fire. To tell you the truth I'm a bit upset with the effect my oil wash had on him and I regret using an oil wash. Also primed with my new air brush.

    Finally we have the fire elemental from schlossbauer. This was Merlog's final form before the PCs took him down. I did everything on this model (besides the eyes) with an airbrush and man did it feel awesome! It's not perfect my any means but it definitely show you what the tool is capable of. 

    One thing that I think I'd like to do sometime is run one of the adventures I've ran for one of my past groups for a new group. I think it'd be cool to see how a new group handles something like the Kludde in Volkselt versus how my original group handled it (that is to say, Volkselt was renamed to ash town). Maybe I'll try it out once with the Cthoghua arc once I'm done painting up all the miniatures I used for it!

    When it comes to gaming: I recently started an open table at my local game store. It's running off of DnD 5e and there's only be one night where people have shown up to play but the interest does seem to be there. That night the party delved into the Ormstone mine whose human workers have been on strike against their dwarven masters for close to a month. Inside they discovered a small group of human workers, who say that the reason they went on strike isn't for higher wages like the dwarves claim- it was to have the dwarves send in troops to deal with whatever trouble they caused deeper in the mine!

    The open table right now takes place in a region I'm calling the Red Reach specifically in the dwarven hold of Bara-Kraz. There are plenty of adventuring locales besides the Ormstone Mine around the city: the sunken colosseum, the red rocks, the savannah, and the blood way to Bara-Narz to name a few. 

Hopefully next time I'll have another play report and some more painted models. Until then!
