Encounter with the Snallygaster


 Last week in Bara-Kraz...

19th of Obsidian

    The party consists of Galen the Sorcerer, Grokk the Half-Orc Fighter, Elrin the Elven Monk, Arwin the Elven Fighter, Braytak the Dwarven Cleric, and Talus the Half-Elf Warlock. They decide that someone has to rescue the miners, especially now that the city of Bara-Kraz is offering a bounty for their capture.

    They head to the mines, one of them with a particularly devious plan, and are greeted by a guard who tells them that three others have already gone into the mines. When asked for a description, the guard tells them that, "they was an elf, a human with a big ol' shield and sword, and some hooded freak with a scorpion tail".

    Perturbed, they hustle into the mines and hear the sound of battle raging. They go deeper and find the three individuals the guard described standing tall above 5 bruised and beaten miners with their leader, Otto, bleeding out on the side. Before either side can declare their intent, an ear piercing scream reverberates through the tunnels...the Snallygaster has come.

    Two of the three retreat as their mage throws down a sphere of flame between the Snallygaster and the players. Meanwhile the hooded one with the scorpion tail goes invisible. The players then contend with the Snallygaster, whose claws and beak are dangerous but nowhere near as dangerous as the befuddling lights that shoot in conical beams from its eyes!

    Though Arwin went down from a combination of claw and the flaming sphere left behind by the other party when her wounds are addressed it appears as though she was just shaken by them. The party begins to make a fighting retreat up the eastern stairs when they realize that the Snallygaster can't die. As they tumble up the stairs, they notice that the Snallygaster can't follow them up the stairs and so they believe they're safe for now.

    Unfortunately, even though they tried, the party was not able to save Otto, the striker leader, from dying. They grill the survivors on what happened just as Talus perceives there's a hidden presence in the room- it's the scorpion tailed man! Talus chases him up the Northern stairs just to see the three members of that party take a nose dive off the edge of the unfinished bridge leading out of the mine. He looks over the edge and sees nothing but a long, long way down.

    Talus reports back to the group on what happened and they quickly disregard it and begin planning their escape. Galen reveals that he has a safehouse to take them to and that if they pretend to be his captors, they can get out of the mine without a scratch.

    They do so and are eventually ambushed in an alleyway by the city guard. The guard demand that they hand over the strikers and the party debates on what to do.

    The Captain of the Guard tires of waiting and tells them that if they pay the guard 175 gold right now, then they'll allow the strikers to go free as well as the party. The party agrees, hands over the gold, and the guard promptly arrest 5 of the 7 strikers!

    Outraged by the double cross, Grokk the Half-Orc rushes the Captain of the Guard and socks him in the face...landing him squarely in jail.

    The Snallygaster miniature is the Achaierai model made by Schlossbauer on Thingiverse and scaled up by 25%. I painted it using contrast paint and then went back over it with some oil paints for highlights. You might notice it is missing some parts, that's because my printer needs some replacement parts! I made them look intentional by using some of citadel's Blood for the Blood God mixed with superglue to make it more gory.

    I procrastinated the hell out of this blog post so I'm not going to talk about what I'll be trying new for this week, well tonight's, game. The party has had enough of the mine and is heading into the Southern Savannah to deliver some elven wine from Ellaleen Mayleaf to some gnomes who are reportedly setting up an airstation.

Until next time!
