Silence of the Grave

The sword Clannod had pried from the mummy's grasp glistened aloft in the darkness as he was surrounded by the guardians of the crypt. He set his stance and went into his violent work with the silence of the grave.

    "Clannod" is the Warhammer Quest barbarian that I picked up from my old local game store's bitz box a while before I moved. It was one of the last models that I painted before the move and I'm really happy with how it came out! The model was drybrushed white after being primed in black then contrast paints were used to lay down base colors. I then highlighted the base colors up and called it a day! Here are some pictures.

His sword is painted with Darknet from TurboDork's colorshift range.

Before and After! I cut off the broken part of his sword and replaced it with a sword from the Black Knight's kit.

    Happy with how he came out! Next are these skeletons. I have no clue where I got them from but they are old Rackham Confrontation models. I originally tried to paint them in oils but that proved to be a nightmare so I stripped, reprimed, and painted in acrylic!

    With my move across the country complete my girlfriend and I are getting ready to go on a vacation to the British Isles! When we get back we'll be settling back into the regular groove of things and maybe I'll be looking into playing or running some roleplaying games. Specifically I have this idea of starting a group that meets weekly and rotates GMs and even game systems each week. I think that it takes a certain type of person to bite at that idea so maybe I'll have to ease the idea out when I start going to the game stores around here.

Until next time!
