Dwarven Hunting

    Askal Berylfist raised his rifle. Their quarry tracked the movement with eyes that blazed with hellfire. As Zuri scanned for weakpoints, Frinain pumped a round into the chamber of his own rifle. That elicited a gurgling rumble and a tensing of exposed muscle. It was going to pounce. Who would be quicker? Time around Askal slowed to a trickle as he squeezed the trigger- he prayed that he would meet his ancestors another day.

    D6 Dwarven Hunts

1. Prospectors desperate to hold starvation at bay as they are battered by Mount Sauvage's winter. They seek great mountain rams with pickaxes due to their low to nonexistent ammunition. Expedition Leader Glorthic Ringaxe* believes something is hunting them...

2. Clan Boneforge leads a grudge hunt for a young human noble of Tramonton who (unknowingly? knowingly?) poached a cave bear from the preserve of Thane Alias. Bandits will take advantage of the absence of Dwarven warriors to sack the home of the clan.

3. All signs point to a young dragon wreaking devastation amongst the highland settlements. Arms and armaments are being honed as the throng gathers, proclaiming to the imperial liaison that a fine gift shall be made of its head and hide. The beast is not a dragon.

4. Elk season in the valley has brought more hunters than usual on account of sighting a set of bejeweled antlers amongst the herds. Thane Gloryhammer seeks the source of the rumors to fashion a ring suitable for his proposal to one of the Emperor's daughters. The antlers belong to an Elven forest spirit that appears every thousand years to shepherd the herd.

5. Ritual competition between the Sea Dwarf holds and the Mountain Dwarf Empire. The mountain dwarves must hunt a juvenile kraken while the sea dwarves must hunt a basilisk. One of the sides has played dirty and rigged the competition in their favor, you decide who and how!

6. Thanes embark on a hunt commemorating the inauguration of new Dwarven Emperor. A clipped Wyvern slated for the fighting pits has been released in the caverns. The Wyvern is of a rare, hyper-evolutionary, breed. It has regenerated its wings and developed abilities that will counter the efforts of the hunting party.


    On to the models! Askal, Zuri, and Frinain are Dwarf Blunderbuss Wielders. The beast is a Tiger of Dirz. The models are from the Rackham Confrontation wargame and, I assume, were scanned by Feudriquec and uploaded to Thingiverse. I painted them using a mix of Vallejo Model Colors, GW contrast paints, and oil washes. All of the miniatures printed fine but I was still dialing in my exposure and support settings on my printer so some of the details were muddled.

"Askal Berylfist"



"Flesh Tiger"

*Names generated from Dwarven Name Generator
