Fire-Breathing Lizards of Yore

    The drake, for it was not a titanic devourer of buildings and livestock herds that the peasants claimed it to be, struck out at him. He saw the infernal green eyes, the violet flesh of its maw, and rotting gore between its teeth from the beast's last meal. He even heard its insides rumble with the sign of imminent dragonflame.

    He grinned and readied his axe. This was not what he had been looking for, but he wouldn't pass-up the opportunity to whet his axe with the drake's blood.

    4D6 Fire-Breathing Lizard of Yore Generator
"[Name] is a [Type of Dragon] that [Interesting Feature]. Its power over flame manifests through [Type of Flame Breath]."

NameType (you decide what this means!)Interesting FeatureType of Flame Breath
OmaaraiWhelphas a ballista bolt stuck in its chestFireball (Explosive projectile, persists over time)
ZaldragalWyvernschemes and connives endlesslyTrident Flame (Standard Dragon-Breath but splits into three lines, perhaps a shorter range)
RyurkDrakebeats powerful wings to full effectStandard Dragon-Breath
AmaltusDrakebreathes blue, freezing flameFlame Thrower Breath (constant stream, will need to "reload")
UdlexWyrmbathes in LavaLiving Bomb (imbue self [or others] with explosive fire that will detonate, damaging all nearby)
DrejorisDragonis armored in anti-magic scalesDetonation Gaze (Combustokinesis, think that one guy from Avatar: The Last Airbender)

    I must confess, I've never truly ran a dragon on the Tabletop. There was one time my players were tasked with freeing a dragon and it did end up frying them but it was not a true dragon fight.

    I yearn for the opportunity to bring a dragon to it's full potential on the table.

    The Red Dragon is a cut-up and rearranged figure I bought through Facebook marketplace (I managed to track down the product on amazon too). I have a Blue Dragon from the same purchase that I painted but this one is special because I did a complete conversion to give it a custom pose.
